Surf Movie Posters
Bruce Brown
1958 Slippery When Wet
1959 Surf Crazy
1961 Barefoot Adventure
1962 Surfing Hollow Days
1962 Waterlogged
1964 The Endless Summer
Don Brown
1961 Surfs Up
1963 Have Board Will Travel
Bud Browne
1953 Hawaiian Surfing Movie
1954 Hawaiian Holiday
1955 Hawaiian Surfing Movie
1956 Trek to Makaha
1957 The Big Surf
1958 Surf Down Under
1959 Cat On A Hot Foam Board
1960 Surf Happy
1961 Spinning Boards
1962 Cavalcade of Surf
1963 Gun Ho
1964 Locked In
Dale Davis
1963 Walk on the Wet Side
1964 Strictly Hot
1965 Inside Out
1966 A Place Called Malibu
1968 The Golden Breed
Bob Evans
1962 Surf Trek to Hawaii
1963 Midget Goes Hawaiian
1963 Surfing the Southern Cross
1964 Hawaiian Thrills
1964 The Young Wave Hunters
1965 Long Way Around
1967 World Champion Waveman
1967 High on a Cool Wave
1968 Ride a White Horse
1968 The Way We Like It
1969 Splashdown
Jim Freeman
1963 Let There Be Surf
1964 Outside the Third Dimension
1965 The Glass Wall
Greg MacGillivray
1964 A Cool Wave of Color
1965 The Performers
MacGillivray and Freeman
1967 Free and Easy
1968 Who’s Best
1968 The Moods of Surfing
1969 Waves of Change
Greg Noll
1957 Search for Surf
1958 Surfing Highlights
Walt Phillips
1960 Sunset Surf Craze
1960 Surf Mania
1962 Psyche Out
1963 Once Upon a Wave
1964 The Waves
1964 Pipeline
1966 Dr Strangesurf
Grant Rohloff
1960 The Wonderful World of Surfing
1961 Too Hot To Handle
1962 Out of Control
1962 Surfin Wild
1963 Men Who Ride Mountains
1963 North Swell
1964 For Surfers Only
1965 The Last Wave
1966 Surfing, Skateboarding and Motorcycling
1967 Huh
John Severson
1958 Surf
1959 Surf Safari
1960 Surf Fever
1961 Big Wednesday
1962 Going My Wave
1963 Angry Sea
1964 Surf Classics
Val Valentine
1963 Northside Story
1964 The Call of the Surf
1965 Surfing Aussie
1966 Outside
1966 The Wet, Wet, World of Surfing
Paul Witzig
1966 A Life in the Sun
1967 The Hot Generation
1969 Evolution
Other Filmmakers
Anderson, Bruce
1965 Gone with the Wave
Arnold, John
1964 Surfing Solitude
Bagley, Bob
1960 Sacrifice for Surf
Bingham, Steve
1968 California 1 thru 10
Blum, Eric and Lowell
1969 The Fantastic Plastic Machine
Bailey, Buzz
1962 Dynamite
Budge, Jamie
1965 The Living Curl
1967 The Californians
Clifton, Peter
1966 The Surfing Years
1969 A Fluid Journey
Cliffton and Ryan
1966 The Summer Search
Cuyler, Dennis
1968 Nomads
De Preist, Ed
1963 Ride on the Wild Side
1967 The Surfers
Elton, Dennis
1963 Follow the Surf
Fitzwater, Bill
1966 Boardriders
Gibson, Bruce
1963 Pipeline
Greenough, George
McAlpine, Andy
1968 Children of the Sun
Milne, Dennis
1963 Surf Stomp
Mirandon, Barry
1966 Another Wave
Murdoch, Tim
1968 Out of the Blue
Page, Brad
1965 Some Like it Wet
Perkinson, J.
1961 Bottoms Up
1962 Standing Room Only
Peterson, Robert
1969 Follow Me
Price, David
1965 Surfing Roundabout
Raymond, John
1964 The Nomadic Surfer
Singer, Bill
1963 Follow that Surf
Stromberg, Bill
1962 Hot Dog on a Stick
Wilhoite, Jim
1965 Stop the Wave, I Want to Get Off
Williams, John
1963 Viva Las Olas
Wilson, Phil
1964 Gone with the Wave
Wolf, Don
1964 Always Another Wave
Young, Chris
1969 Eclipse
A Cool Wave of Color (Greg MacGillivray)
A Fluid Journey (Peter Clifton)
A Life in the Sun (Paul Witzig)
A Place Called Malibu (Dale Davis)
Always Another Wave (Don Wilson)
Angry Sea (John Severson)
Another Wave (Barry Mirandon)
Barefoot Adventure (Bruce Brown)
Big Wednesday (John Severson)
Boardriders (Bill Fitzwater)
Bottoms Up (J. Perkinson)
California 1 thru 10 (Steve Bingham)
Cat On A Hot Foam Board(Bud Browne)
Cavalcade of Surf (Bud Browne)
Children of the Sun (Andy McAlpine)
Dr Strangesurf (Walt Phillips)
Dynamite (Buzz Bailey)
Eclipse (Chris Young)
Evolution (Paul Witzig)
Fiberglass Jungle (Dale Davis)
Follow Me (Robert Peterson)
Follow that Surf (Bill Singer)
Follow the Surf(Dennis Elton)
For Surfers Only (Grant Rohloff)
Free and Easy (MacGillivray and Freeman)
Going My Wave (John Severson)
Gone with the Wave (Phil Wilson)
Gone with the Wave (Bruce Anderson)
Gun Ho (Bud Browne)
Have Board Will Travel (Don Brown)
Hawaiian Holiday (Bud Browne)
Hawaiian Surfing Movie (Bud Browne)
Hawaiian Thrills (Bob Evans)
High on a Cool Wave (Bob Evans)
Hot Dog on a Stick (Bill Stromberg)
Huh (Grant Rohloff)
Inside Out (Dale Davis)
Let There Be Surf (Jim Freeman)
Locked In (Bud Browne)
Long Way Around (Bob Evans)
Men Who Ride Mountains (Grant Rohloff)
Midget Goes Hawaiian (Bob Evans)
Nomads (Dennis Cuyler)
North Swell (Grant Rohloff)
Northside Story (Val Valentine)
Once Upon a Wave (Walt Phillips)
Out of Control (Grant Rohloff)
Out of the Blue (Tim Murdoch)
Outside (Val Valentine)
Outside the Third Dimension (Jim Freeman)
Pipeline (Bruce Gibson)
Pipeline (Walt Phillips)
Psyche Out (Walt Phillips)
Ride a White Horse (Bob Evans)
Ride on the Wild Side (Ed De Preist
Sacrifice for Surf (Bob Bagley)
Search for Surf (Greg Noll)
Slippery When Wet (Bruce Brown)
Some Like it Wet (Brad Page)
Spinning Boards (Bud Browne)
Splashdown (Bob Evans)
Standing Room Only (J. Perkinson)
Stop the Wave, I Want to Get (Jim Wilhoite)
Strictly Hot (Dale Davis)
Sunset Surf Craze (Walt Phillips)
Surf (John Severson)
Surf Crazy (Bruce Brown)
Surf Classics (John Severson)
Surf Down Under (Bud Browne)
Surf Fever (John Severson)
Surf Happy (Bud Browne)
Surf Mania (Walt Phillips)
Surf Safari (John Severson)
Surf Stomp (Dennis Milne)
Surf Trek to Hawaii (Bob Evans)
Surfin Wild (Grant Rohloff)
Surfing Aussie (Val Valentine)
Surfing Highlights (Greg Noll))
Surfing Hollow Days (Bruce Brown)
Surfing in Hawaii (Clarence Maki)
Surfing Roundabout (David Price)
Surfing Solitude (John Arnold)
Surfing the Southern Cross (Bob Evans)
Surfing, Skateboarding and Motorcycling (Grant Rohloff)
Surfs Up (Don Brown)
The Big Surf (Bud Browne)
The Californians (Jamie Budge))
The Call of the Surf (Val Valentine)
The Endless Summer (Bruce Brown)
The Fantastic Plastic Machine (Eric and Lowell Blum)
The Glass Wall (Jim Freeman)
The Golden Breed (Dale Davis)
The Hot Generation (Paul Witzig)
The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun (George Greenough)
The Last Wave (Grant Rohloff)
The Living Curl (Jamie Budge)
The Moods of Surfing (MacGillivray and Freeman)
he Nomadic Surfer (John Raymond)
The Performers (Greg MacGillivray)
The Summer Searchh (Cliffton and Ryan)
The Surfers (Ed De Preist)
The Surfing Years (Peter Clifton)
The Waves (Walt Phillips)
The Way We Like It (Bob Evans)
The Wet, Wet, World of Surfing (Val Valentine)
The Wonderful World of Surfing (Grant Rohloff)
The Young Wave Hunters (Bob Evans)
Too Hot To Handle (Grant Rohloff)
Trek to Makaha (Bud Browne)
Viva Las Olas (John Williams)
Walk on the Wet Side (Dale Davis)
Waterlogged (Bruce Brown)
Waves of Change (MacGillivray and Freeman)
Who’s Best (MacGillivray and Freeman)
World Champion Waveman (Bob Evans)
Hawaiian Surfing Movie (Bud Browne)
Hawaiian Holiday (Bud Browne)
Hawaiian Surfing Movie (Bud Browne)
Trek to Makaha (Bud Browne)
Search for Surf (Greg Noll)
The Big Surf (Bud Browne)
Slippery When Wet (Bruce Brown)
Surf (John Severson)
Surf Down Under (Bud Browne)
Surfing Highlights (Greg Noll)
Cat On A Hot Foam Board (Bud Browne)
Surf Crazy (Bruce Brown)
Surf Safari (John Severson)
Sacrifice for Surf (Bob Bagley)
Sunset Surf Craze (Walt Phillips)
Surf Fever (John Severson)
Surf Happy (Bud Browne)
Surf Mania (Walt Phillips)
The Wonderful World of Surfing (Grant Rohloff)
Barefoot Adventure (Bruce Brown)
Big Wednesday (John Severson)
Bottoms Up (J. Perkinson)
Spinning Boards (Bud Browne)
Surfs Up (Don Brown)
Too Hot To Handle (Grant Rohloff)
Cavalcade of Surf (Bud Browne)
Dynamite (Buzz Bailey)
Fiberglass Jungle (Dale Davis)
Going My Wave (John Severson)
Hot Dog on a Stick (Bill Stromberg)
Out of Control (Grant Rohloff)
Psyche Out (Walt Phillips)
Standing Room Only (J. Perkinson)
Surf Trek to Hawaii (Bob Evans)
Surfin Wild(Grant Rohloff)
Surfing Hollow Days (Bruce Brown)
Surfing in Hawaii (Clarence Maki))
Waterlogged (Bruce Brown)
Follow that Surf (Bill Singer)
Follow the Surf (Dennis Elton)
Gun Ho (Bud Browne)
Have Board Will Travel (Don Brown)
Let There Be Surf (Jim Freeman)
Men Who Ride Mountains (Grant Rohloff)
Midget Goes Hawaiian (Bob Evans)
North Swell (Grant Rohloff)
Northside Story (Val Valentine)
Once Upon a Wave (Walt Phillips)
Pipeline (Bruce Gibson)
Ride on the Wild Side (Ed De Preist)
Surf Stomp (Dennis Milne)
Surfing the Southern Cross (Bob Evans)
The Angry Sea (John Severson)
Viva Las Olas (John Williams)
Walk on the Wet Side (Dale Davis)
A Cool Wave of Color (Greg MacGillivray)
Always Another Wave (Don Wilson)
For Surfers Only (Grant Rohloff)
Gone with the Wave (Phil Wilson)
Hawaiian Thrills (Bob Evans)
Locked In (Bud Browne)
Outside the Third Dimension (Jim Freeman)
Pipeline (Walt Phillips)
Strictly Hot (Dale Davis)
Surf Classics (John Severson)
Surfing Solitude (John Arnold)
The Call of the Surf (Val Valentine)
The Endless Summer (Bruce Brown)
The Nomadic Surfer (John Raymond)
The Waves (Walt Phillips)
The Young Wave Hunters (Bob Evans)
Gone with the Wave (Bruce Anderson)
Inside Out (Dale Davis)
Long Way Around (Bob Evans)
Some Like it Wet (Brad Page)
Stop the Wave, I Want to Get Off (Jim Wilhoite)
Surfing Aussie (Val Valentine)
Surfing Roundabout (David Price)
The Glass Wall (Jim Freeman)
The Last Wave (Grant Rohloff)
The Living Curl (Jamie Budge)
The Performers (Greg MacGillivray)
A Life in the Sun (Paul Witzig)
A Place Called Malibu (Dale Davis)
Another Wave (Barry Mirandon)
Boardriders (Bill Fitzwater)
Dr Strangesurf (Walt Phillips)
Outside (Val Valentine)
Surfing, Skateboarding and Motorcycling (Grant Rohloff)
The Summer Search (Cliffton and Ryan)
The Surfing Years (Peter Clifton)
The Wet, Wet, World of Surfing (Val Valentine)
Free and Easy (MacGillivray and Freeman)
High on a Cool Wave (Bob Evans)
Huh (Grant Rohloff)
The Californians(Jamie Budge)
The Hot Generation (Paul Witzig)
The Surfers (Ed De Preist)
World Champion Waveman (Bob Evans)
California 1 thru 10 (Steve Bingham)
Children of the Sun (Andy McAlpine)
Nomads (Dennis Cuyler)
Out of the Blue (Tim Murdoch)
Ride a White Horse (Bob Evans)
The Golden Breed (Dale Davis
The Moods of Surfing (MacGillivray and Freeman)
The Way We Like It (Bob Evans)
Who’s Best (MacGillivray and Freeman)
A Fluid Journey (Peter Clifton)
Eclipse (Chris Young)
Evolution (Paul Witzig)
Follow Me (Robert Peterson)
Splashdown (Bob Evans)
The Fantastic Plastic Machine (Eric and Lowell Blum)
The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun (George Greenough)
Waves of Change (MacGillivray and Freeman)